A Good Provider is One Who Leaves by Jason DeParle **** (of 4)

What irony to finish a book about families that leave their homes, spouses, relatives, languages, foods, and often their children for the dream of coming to America on the same day that the President of the United States signed an executive order forbidding any foreigners (except important laborers supported by business interests) from crossing our borders. Jason DeParle personalizes global migration by following three generations of a Philippino family he has lived with and befriended for more than 30 years. No country has adopted the export of its citizens with more national zeal and national policy than the Philippines, supplying many of the world's nurses, ship hands, and laborers, both skilled and unskilled. The remittances of emigres fuel the Philippine economy. But that is macro economics. Micro economics becomes painful as DeParle follows his friends as they battle homesickness and isolation in order to make enough money to lift families from shanty-dwelling poverty....