Surrender White People by D.L. Hughley *** (of 4)

It is interesting that so many books on the market about white supremacy and racism were published long before the murder of George Floyd finally got white people to stop and pay attention. Surrender, White People! was published post-Floyd, but written before, just one more confirmation that a book about the mistreatment of Black Americans by white Americans would continue to be prescient. Hughley's approach to trying to get white people to understand is to describe life for Blacks as if it were funny. The book is short, but encyclopedic in its coverage, covering topics that everyone should know. Blacks have been denied access to fair housing for generations. Health care and food access for Blacks is of poorer quality than it is for whites. Schools for Black children are more crowded and less well funded. Air pollution and leaded water systems are more prevalent in Black neighborhoods. Jobs, salaries, incarceration rates, arrests and so forth generate worse outcomes for Blacks tha...