Sheets by Brenna Thummler *** (of 4)

Sheets tells a traditional story. A recently motherless girl just entering high school must survive the torments of adolescence, a grieving and largely absentee father, and caring for a younger brother. As if this were not enough to depress the spirit of young Marjorie Glatt she must also single handedly run her mother's former laundry business. Think Cinderella. There is, of course, an evil, no-goodnik, bad guy deviously trying to run her out of business so he can acquire the property to raise in its place a multi-story, money-grabbing, yoga spa. Only now appreciate the strength of a graphic novel whose drawings symbiotically elevate the story. Add in a ghost not quite ready to leave the earth of the living who might just come to the rescue of a laundry about to run its last load. If only Marjorie can get over her fear of ghosts.