David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell **** (of 5)

Malcolm Gladwell's shtick is to take timeworn beliefs and turn them upside down and inside out. It helps that he is an excellent story teller and begins this book with its title story. Only in Gladwell's version it should have been obvious that David was going to kill Goliath. Gladwell describes Goliath's overwhelming size and impressive armor and the unwillingness of the Israelites to face the monster. But after Gladwell's closer examination it turns out that slingers in those days regularly took down hand-to-hand specialists like Goliath. Moreover, Gladwell convincingly suggests Goliath probably had an eyesight deficiency making it hard for him to even find David on the battlefield. Thus begins a series of stories suggesting that adversity can lead to success and overwhelming odds are not necessarily the barrier they might appear to be. Copying the technique of first leading one way -- everyone knows Goliath is supposed to slaughter the skimpy David -- he reve...